• Research of interest

    Microglia, the tissue resident macrophage in central nerve system (CNS), play vital roles in immune defense, development, and homeostasis. The long time goal of our group is to understand the origin, molecular and genetic changes in microglia under homeostasis, disease, and aging.

    broken image
  • Publications

    • Huang Y., Xu Z., Xiong S., Sun F., Qin G., Hu G., Wang J., Zhao L., Liang Y.X., Wu T, Lu Z, Humayun M.S., So K.F., Pan Y., Li N., Yuan T.F.*, Rao Y.* and Peng B.* (2018) Repopulated microglia are solely derived from the proliferation of residual microglia after acute depletion. Nature Neuroscience 21, 520-540. (* Corresponding author)
    (Featured article. Highlighted by News & Views in the same issue of Nature Neuroscience, Rossi, F., and Lewis, C. (2018) Microglia's heretical self-renewal. Nature Neuroscience 21, 455-456. Also highlighted by the cover of the same issue of Nature Neuroscience)
    • Xu Z.#, Rao Y.#, Huang Y., Zhou T., Feng R., Xiong S., Yuan T.F., Qin S., Lu Y., Zhou X., Li X., Qin B., Mao Y., and Peng B.* (2020) Efficient strategies for microglia replacement in the central nervous system. Cell Reports 32, 108041. (* First author)
    • Huang Y., Xu Z., Xiong S., Qin G., Sun F., Yang J, Yuan T.F. Zhao L, Wang K, Liang Y.X., Fu L., Wu T, Lu Z, So K.F., Rao Y.* and Peng B.* (2018) Extra-retinal origins of microglia in the microglia-repopulated retina and glaucomatous retina. Cell Discovery.4: 9. (* First author)
    • Rao, Y., Liang, Y.X., and Peng, B. (2017) A revisit of rod microglia in preclinical studies. Neural Regeneration Research 12, 56-57. (* Corresponding author)
    • Du, S., Xiong, S., Du, X., Yuan, T.F., Peng, B.* and Rao Y.* (2021) Primary Microglia Isolation from Postnatal Mouse Brains. JoVE, e62237. (* Corresponding author)
    • Zhen Xu, Xin Zhou, Bo Peng* and Yanxia Rao*. Microglia replacement by bone marrow transplantation (Mr BMT), STAR Protocols. (* Corresponding author)
    • Zhen Xu, Bo Peng* and Yanxia Rao*. Microglia replacement by microglia transplantation (Mr MT), STAR Protocols. (* Corresponding author)
    • Zhen Xu, Yanxia Rao* and Bo Peng*. Microglia replacement by peripheral blood (Mr PB), STAR Protocols. (* Corresponding author)
  • Research team

    Yuqing wang, Ph.D. candidate
    Baozhi Yang, Ph.D. candidate
    Xiaoyu Li, Ph.D. candidate




  • Sequence Data on line

    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE108269
    2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE108416
    3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi
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    Yanxia Rao
